nCOV19 Analyser is a customized pipeline for detection of SARS-CoV-2 based on Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology which utilizes the benefits of long reads. nCOV19 Analyser aligns the reads to SARS-CoV-2 reference genome, calls variants, and generates a consensus genome sequence. It then determines lineage, clade and phylogenetic tree information of sample using Pangolin and NextClade. All the information with its data and QC metric files gets summarized in one extensive html report for easy viewing.
Essential Tool to Add Your Arsenal on the Fight With Covid19!
State-of-the-art Covid19 Specialized Pipeline!Get More In-Depth Analyses of Covid19 Variants
After Sample Sequencing and Analysis Following Results Are Provided for Each Sample by nCOV19 Analyser:
Inside the Software
Optimized for Powerful Analysis
Easy to View – One File Format (Excel & Fasta)
Clade Information
All accessible information about the clade is presented.
Phylogenetic Tree
Samples placed on SARS-CoV-2 phylogeny.
Genome Fraction Coverage
In each depth of coverage, the graph shows percentage of reads that covered in that depth.
x-axis: Coverage (X), y-axis: Fraction of Reference (%)
Mapping Quality Across Reference
Quality of reads mapped to the reference genome.
x-axis: Position (bp), y-axis: Mapping Quality
Genome Coverage Histogram
Coverage distribution of mapped reads.
x-axis: Coverage (X), y-axis: Number of Genomic Locations
Genome Coverage Across Reference
Line plot of coverage for each base across reference genome.
x-axis: Position (bp), y-axis: Coverage (X), GC-Content (%), Mean GC-Content
Mapped Reads GC-Content Distribution
GC-content distribution across the mapped reads.
x-axis: GC-Content (%), y-axis: Fraction of Reads
Duplication Rate Histogram
Duplication rates of each read.
x-axis: Duplication Rate, y-axis: Number of Loci